Porthcawl Medical , Wales

1 Vision wokred with Amberwell to install a 4.5KWP system comprising of 16 Bisol 270W panels, Our dedicated MCS credited solar installations team completed the job within a respectable timeframe of 2 days. One day to lay our non-penetrating ballasted flat roof mounting system, and one day to lay the 16 Bisol 270w panels.
We used our specialist flat roof mounting system from Van Der Valk, This system has the 10° slope to allow for a better angle for the solar panels to maximise their efficiency. When we design our systems we use a software called PVSol, This system is useful because once you input the amount of panels, optimisers and the orientation of the system it will tell you the total installed power, Max achieved DC and power, DC/AC Oversizing, Max active AC power and Annual energy output. PVSol will also tell you monthly estimated generation, the system loss diagram and the bill of materials (BOM).
As you can see from the image above from our Valk Pro Report, it shows the amount of panels, the power in kWp, the type of mounting system, the No. of tiles needed.
This system is comprised of 16 panels, with a total kWp of 4.4Kw, on a flat roof ballasted mounting system with 32 No. Ballasting Tiles. As this system is near the sea and in a windy area the amount of ballast we put on the system was particularly important. As the above image shows the amount of ballasted used is double to amount of panels installed. When designing the system we always take into acount the weight load, weather and safety aspects of each individual solar PV system.